"A woman should think of herself as a window; and every time you sleep with a guy, it's like letting him put his fingerprints on your window. Staining your glass."
I am at a point in my life where I feel it is necessary to grab my bottle of Windex and a roll of paper towels and wipe the fingerprints away; scrub my own window clean. And, there are many others out there who should do the same. When did it become fashionable for women to sleep around and let as many men as possible smudge up their windows? If I hear one more hood rat1 bragging about the different men she's had in her bed, I'm gonna literally throw up. THAT'S NOT CUTE!! And in no way does it make you seem desirable, because I am willing to bet, that had any of these men known about your promiscuity, they wouldn't have given you a second thought, and you probably haven't heard from any of them since he rose up out of YOUR bed and you wont hear from him again until it's time to get back in YOUR bed. Don't get me wrong, I'm no hypocrite. I am in no way condoning the double-standard that suggests that it is okay for men to wipe their fingerprints on as many windows as they can, but as a woman, I feel that we as a gender should hold ourselves upon a higher pedestal, and not make our windows so accessible for men to leave their greasy fingerprints on.Or, at least clean away one man's fingerprints before you let another come and leave his mark.
1.hood rat- a ghetto girl who hangs out with all the ghetto guys and thinks it is cute to be a slut. Usually noticeable via her slacking standards of personal care. Known to party alot and easy to take advantage of.
Other noteable quotes from Friends and Lovers:
*saying "I Love You" doesn't make it true
*knowing someone isn't a qualification for intimacy
*if you're sleeping with a man who is deceiving you, you're being raped.
*if a man misrepresents himself to get in your s#!t, it's rape.