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Monday, May 11, 2009

Relationship Rants and Other Random Thoughts

The following list contains statements that pertain only to me. If you read something and agree with it or receive some sort of enlightenment or light bulb moment from what I say, then GREAT!! However, if you find yourself being offended by something I say, remember: IT'S NOT ABOUT YOU, IT'S ABOUT ME!!

So, here goes:

* I have recently raised my standards to make sure that I attract the right kind of man. But it seems like all that's down here are dudes concerned about the spinning time of their rims and whether their candy paint is dripping enough. [ "candy paint"... so ol' school. can't you tell I grew up in the 90's]

*Most of the men I have come in contact with are complete ShullBit (not all, but most) With lame @$$ game that I would probably fall for if I was 16 instead of going on 25. It makes me angry to be talked to the way these dudes think they can talk to me. Just once, I would like to be approached without all the ShullBit. Just ask me my name without all the, "ooh baby, hey baby, damn boo!"

*Sometimes I wonder if I'm asking too much from these "men" to be treated like a lady. I wonder if I'm crazy for expecting respect from them.

*Going through a break-up and trying to date again is complicated. I still have feelings of HURT, CONFUSION, and ANXIETY that resurface from time to time. Is it possible to move on from one relationship to the next without those feelings?

*When I'm getting closer to someone, my sentimental emotions emerge. When I'm watching t.v., taking a shower, sleeping, eating, working, etc. I don't feel very sentimental. It's all business and light-hearted chuckle.

*It's that damn Keyshia Cole CD {Just Like You} that's got me feeling all mushy. In particular, the song "Got To Get My Heart Back". In the song Ms. Cole sings that she's got to get her heart back to where it was before she fell in love. That's what I'm aiming for. I want to start with a clean slate. I don't want to rebound anymore.

*There are some things that I'm still not over and that baggage prevents me from moving forward. I won't allow myself to get taken in again, but crushing on someone is great.

* I try to see the positive in eeverything and every person. Sometimes, because I'm this way, I end up disappointed...alot. Disappointment is a huge issue for me. I hate for people to be disappointed in me, and I hate feeling disappointed in other people. But the truth of the matter is, in life you will let people down and people will let you down. I give people the benefit of the doubtand I forgive easily, even when forgiveness does not seem justifiable. But, by no means do I ever forget.

(These topics will be elaborated on later)