Normally I laugh at forwarded texts and keep it moving, not giving them a second thought. I rarely forward them to others, unless they are super funny and made me laugh out loud. However, I was sent one recently that made me stop for a moment and wonder, "damn, that is soooo true." After reading it, I proceeded to forward it to anyone I knew who had a phone that could receive text messages and infect them all with the knowledge that had just been dropped on me.
It read:
Isn't it funny how ever since Swine Flu hit, everybody wanna wear masks. But HIV/Aids has been around for decades and nobody wanna wear condoms.
When I read this, I spoke out loud to myself, "wow!" And was reminded of a poem I heard by a poet named Georgia Me:
It read:
Isn't it funny how ever since Swine Flu hit, everybody wanna wear masks. But HIV/Aids has been around for decades and nobody wanna wear condoms.
When I read this, I spoke out loud to myself, "wow!" And was reminded of a poem I heard by a poet named Georgia Me:
I wonder: what a person is thinking when they have unprotected sex, or if they're even thinking at all? And what I was thinking when I did.....
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