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Sunday, May 24, 2009

Where's The Windex?

"A woman should think of herself as a window; and every time you sleep with a guy, it's like letting him put his fingerprints on your window. Staining your glass."

-Eric Jerome Dickey, Friends and Lovers

I read this quote in a book by Eric Jerome Dickey titled, "Friend's and Lovers". There were many insightful quotes in this book (I will note some of them at the end of this blog) but this one stuck out like a sore thumb, and I just had to elaborate.

I am at a point in my life where I feel it is necessary to grab my bottle of Windex and a roll of paper towels and wipe the fingerprints away; scrub my own window clean. And, there are many others out there who should do the same. When did it become fashionable for women to sleep around and let as many men as possible smudge up their windows? If I hear one more hood rat1 bragging about the different men she's had in her bed, I'm gonna literally throw up. THAT'S NOT CUTE!! And in no way does it make you seem desirable, because I am willing to bet, that had any of these men known about your promiscuity, they wouldn't have given you a second thought, and you probably haven't heard from any of them since he rose up out of YOUR bed and you wont hear from him again until it's time to get back in YOUR bed. Don't get me wrong, I'm no hypocrite. I am in no way condoning the double-standard that suggests that it is okay for men to wipe their fingerprints on as many windows as they can, but as a woman, I feel that we as a gender should hold ourselves upon a higher pedestal, and not make our windows so accessible for men to leave their greasy fingerprints on.Or, at least clean away one man's fingerprints before you let another come and leave his mark.

1.hood rat- a ghetto girl who hangs out with all the ghetto guys and thinks it is cute to be a slut. Usually noticeable via her slacking standards of personal care. Known to party alot and easy to take advantage of.

Other noteable quotes from Friends and Lovers:
*saying "I Love You" doesn't make it true
*knowing someone isn't a qualification for intimacy
*if you're sleeping with a man who is deceiving you, you're being raped.
*if a man misrepresents himself to get in your s#!t, it's rape.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

I'm Going To See This Chick In Concert:
....and I couldn't be any more excited than I already am.

Last month, when I heard 'Tasia (yea we're on a nickname basis, I know her like that) was coming to town, I was sooooo excited. I love this girl, and in spite of all the haters out there who say she screams, she has an amazing voice and she is truly talented, to me. So I approached the usual concert tag alongs with the idea that we should go, and of course BigSis' was all gung ho. She just likes to be in the streets, she would've been down if I said we were going to see Willie Nelson and the gang down at the Bigger Jigger. I mentioned it to my bestie ZebraCake, and she was like, "cool" but never gave me a definite yes. And it's here where the shadyness sets in...

So, it's two weeks before the concert, and noone in the clique has mentioned the concert/when we're gonna get tickets/not even so much as the word "concert" and I'm getting nervous. And out of the blue, ZebraCake texts me saying: "I got my Fantasia ticket." And at first I'm shocked thinking "what the hell?" Did her and BigSis conspire against me secretly and buy tickets without my knowledge. "No way!" They know how bad I wanted to go, they would never... So after my mind set back in gear, I text ZebraCake back and say, "who are you going with?" And she answers "*****" (another friend of hers) and I text back, "well, weren't we supposed to all be going together (as in Me, you, and BigSis)?" and her reasoning for acquiring other concert goers was that we had nothing set in stone. WTF!! When I asked, that should've been enough stone to lay a brick foundation!!

But, it's as they say: All G!! Me and BigSis are gonna go (even though we don't normally roll like that, just me and her) and we're gonna party like it's 1999!

See Ya There ZebraCake!!!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Relationship Rants and Other Random Thoughts

The following list contains statements that pertain only to me. If you read something and agree with it or receive some sort of enlightenment or light bulb moment from what I say, then GREAT!! However, if you find yourself being offended by something I say, remember: IT'S NOT ABOUT YOU, IT'S ABOUT ME!!

So, here goes:

* I have recently raised my standards to make sure that I attract the right kind of man. But it seems like all that's down here are dudes concerned about the spinning time of their rims and whether their candy paint is dripping enough. [ "candy paint"... so ol' school. can't you tell I grew up in the 90's]

*Most of the men I have come in contact with are complete ShullBit (not all, but most) With lame @$$ game that I would probably fall for if I was 16 instead of going on 25. It makes me angry to be talked to the way these dudes think they can talk to me. Just once, I would like to be approached without all the ShullBit. Just ask me my name without all the, "ooh baby, hey baby, damn boo!"

*Sometimes I wonder if I'm asking too much from these "men" to be treated like a lady. I wonder if I'm crazy for expecting respect from them.

*Going through a break-up and trying to date again is complicated. I still have feelings of HURT, CONFUSION, and ANXIETY that resurface from time to time. Is it possible to move on from one relationship to the next without those feelings?

*When I'm getting closer to someone, my sentimental emotions emerge. When I'm watching t.v., taking a shower, sleeping, eating, working, etc. I don't feel very sentimental. It's all business and light-hearted chuckle.

*It's that damn Keyshia Cole CD {Just Like You} that's got me feeling all mushy. In particular, the song "Got To Get My Heart Back". In the song Ms. Cole sings that she's got to get her heart back to where it was before she fell in love. That's what I'm aiming for. I want to start with a clean slate. I don't want to rebound anymore.

*There are some things that I'm still not over and that baggage prevents me from moving forward. I won't allow myself to get taken in again, but crushing on someone is great.

* I try to see the positive in eeverything and every person. Sometimes, because I'm this way, I end up disappointed...alot. Disappointment is a huge issue for me. I hate for people to be disappointed in me, and I hate feeling disappointed in other people. But the truth of the matter is, in life you will let people down and people will let you down. I give people the benefit of the doubtand I forgive easily, even when forgiveness does not seem justifiable. But, by no means do I ever forget.

(These topics will be elaborated on later)

Friday, May 8, 2009


With love and respect for the mothers of the Universe
Although there are no words to express how much you are all truly worth
Always there when they need you, God blessed you with his patience
He entrusted you with the womb to give birth to many nations
With your wisdom and your beauty, you resemble the sun
Your 19 rays illuminate, shining equally on everyone
We know that God is love and so often you've shown you have plenty to give
With your love you spare the rod and then you spoil the kids
Everything you do reminds them of your Wisdom, Strength, and Beauty
Your knowledge is everlasting and teaching them is your duty
Now if that's not the power of God somebody please tell me what is
So if they haven't told you already, Happy Mother's Day from: Your kids


I wonder: what the world would be like without mothers...

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

For Your Protection

Normally I laugh at forwarded texts and keep it moving, not giving them a second thought. I rarely forward them to others, unless they are super funny and made me laugh out loud. However, I was sent one recently that made me stop for a moment and wonder, "damn, that is soooo true." After reading it, I proceeded to forward it to anyone I knew who had a phone that could receive text messages and infect them all with the knowledge that had just been dropped on me.

It read:

Isn't it funny how ever since Swine Flu hit, everybody wanna wear masks. But HIV/Aids has been around for decades and nobody wanna wear condoms.

When I read this, I spoke out loud to myself, "wow!" And was reminded of a poem I heard by a poet named Georgia Me:

I wonder: what a person is thinking when they have unprotected sex, or if they're even thinking at all? And what I was thinking when I did.....

I Quit!!

Giving two weeks notice is the standard practice when resigning from a job, but I've always wondered why is it that if I want to leave a job, I have to notify my boss two weeks in advance, but I won't get the same courtesy if he/she finds it necessary to let me go . Let's explore this thought for a moment:

If I want to leave my job, I have to tell my employer two weeks before I decide to leave that I won't be coming back. Why? So he/she can find someone to fill my position, so production/productivity doesn't slow down, causing the company to lose money. But, if we flip the script and my boss wants to fire me, I don't even get a two-minute notice. Which slows down my own personal productivity causing me to lose money.

Where did this topic come from...It started with a conversation I had today with a friend I will call CoolChick. She had recently quit a job and was wondering if it was possible for her to return (in another department, of course). However, she was informed by one of the "higher-ups" that since she didn't give proper notice, better known as two-weeks notice, that the chances of her return were highly unlikely.

The conversation went as follows:

CoolChick: I wanna come back and work with the camp, you know with the kids.
HigherUp: You quit didn't you?
CoolChick: Yea, but I won't be in that department though.
HigherUp: Did you give two weeks notice?
CoolChick: Yea, I told them two weeks before I quit that I was sick of working there.

CoolChick always makes me laugh!!

I wonder: would you really continue working on a job if you knew that in two weeks you would be fired?

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Cinco De Mayo

For the first time ever, I actually celebrated the holiday known to most as Cinco De Mayo. And I found myself wondering what the heck it was all about. Where did Cinco De Mayo originate? I'm no dummy, of course I know it's a Spanish holiday, but why is Cinco de Mayo so important that it was deemed necessary to mark it on the calendars of Mexican families along with La Navidad (The Nativity better known to you and me as Christmas), New Year's (El Ano Nuevo), and National Day? So I did a little research and found out the following:

Cinco De Mayo (the fifth of May) celebrates the Mexican Army's unlikely victory over the French Army in the Battle of Puebla on... you guessed it, May 5, 1862. The outnumbered Mexicans defeated a much better equipped French army that had not been defeated in over 50 years. Cinco de Mayo is celebrated in the United States and other locations as a celebration of Mexican heritage and pride.

So, if you didn't celebrate this year, make plans to next year. Go eat at your favorite Mexican restaurant (not Taco Bell), make yourself a margarita, or just buy that homeless mexican ( you know, the one that stands on the interstate off ramp with the will work for food sign) a taco. Or you could celebrate simple, the way me and my family did this year, by making homemade Nacho/Taco salads, and mixed drinks.

Margarita Mix (nothing like good ol' Jose Cuervo)

Nacho Toppings (only Louisiana Hot Sauce will do)

And then there was "yum"!!

Whatever you do, remember the Mexicans and have a great time doing it!!

I Wonder: is Juneteenth black people's equivalent to Cinco de Mayo?

Back For The First Time

Funny story: I was sitting on a school bus crowded with elementary and middle school kids trying to get inspiration for the title of the opening post for my new blog, and I remembered this title. But for some reason (maybe it's my inherited Alzheimer's setting in earlier than I expected) I couldn't remember where I had heard it. So after endless hours of trying to remember, I gave up and went to my most trusted Ask.com and sure enough... good ol' Jeeve's was there to help me.

Ludacris (rather Ludacris' label) offered the following explanation for the title of this album:
When Def Jam signed Ludacris in 2000, the Atlanta rapper had already released a regionally successful independent album (Incognegro) with a hot single ("What's Your Fantasy"). So rather than send Ludacris back into the studio to record a follow-up album, Def Jam chose to repackage Incognegro as Back for the First Time (the title a play on the re-released nature of the music) and append some new material. The decision proved wise.

After reading this I thought "eureka!!" Here I am, I already have a blog, but I wanted to start another blog. I have the same agenda, just with newer, fresher material. So like Chris (yeah, we're on a first name basis) here I am:


disclaimer: Some posts may need this sticker, but not all. Reader beware.